Why US?

A pragmatic approach for data analytics!


We propose analysis and predictive systems very simple of use — for ordinary people — no need to be a data scientist. These tools are devoted for operational people that daily manage their tasks, and that will become Data Genius, without becoming Data Scientist !

We propose :

  1. Highly automated software for data wrangling and deep machine learning,
  2. At contained cost: freemium for DEXTER, and few k€ for PREDICT
  3. NEHOOV is pursuing the legacy of NEURALWARE, a US Company in operation for more than 25 years. The core “deep neural network” engine created in the 1990’s is the foundation for a family of different programs, and it has been constantly improved based on feedback from users around the world and over 50,000 man-days of development
  4. Core business: data cleaning/extracting/visualization, forecasting & clustering,
  5. Another field of competence: non-linear optimization by using meta-heuristics and dynamic programming, allowing to outpass classical approaches.Un exemple de champ d’application ? Optimiser l’équilibre économique de systèmes complexes, tels que parcs de serveurs ou chaînes de centrales hydrauliques !

NEHOOV approach is ECO-ANALYTIC, in the sense that our tools are by default stand alone and autonomous (no database). They are dedicated to be installed on a simple laptop! Reducing the CO2 footprint is important for NEHOOV.


Our customers all have a good anticipation of their future challenges and must deal with them. We quickly train them to the analytical ECO approach, allowing them to discover for themselves and with complete autonomy the information hidden in their data!     They also trust the technology proposed by NEHOOV:


They also trust technologies proposed by NEHOOV :



“We tried various analytics software before trying the NEHOOV experience. We were fully aware of the existence of various solutions in the market based on neural networks, but none had the level of automation provided by NEHOOV, at contained cost. We want to emphasize the simplicity of use and the speed with which we conducted our studies.”

Pierre G, M&S Deputy

“With the injection of more and more renewables in the electrical system, storage stations must have more sense. Some past studies have shown that the storage station was not in the money. During summer 2013 we have seen some modifications in the shape of hourly prices in particular on sunny days. Is there a systematic transformation in the hourly shapes? That was the question raised to NEHOOV. We would like to assess that point and see if the evolution will be profitable for storage stations. The results provided by NEHOOV proved its relevance, and the capability of neural networks to answer such question. ”

Jean-Marc D., Business Development Oversight

Please find below my testimony. Before we used NEHOOV technology, predicting the production from one of our hydro power plant proved extremely difficult as it depended on a blend of factors, some of which were nearly unpredictable (like the discharge from an upstream hydro plant or, to some extent, the extent and impact of precipitation). Using NEHOOV technology allowed for a more reliable generation forecast and made us save for more tens of k€ of imbalance cost per year.”

Thierry R., Deputy Project Manager